This article aims to help you setup a hardware phone using your web browser and our automatic configuration system.Not all handsets can be autoconfigured so please check your account for the latest list of compatible handsets. Once you have setup autoconfiguration you don’t need to do it again so it will make life a lot easier in the long term. These instructions are for a Grandstream GXP2130 but you can set up most phones using a web browser, you’ll just need to adjust these instructions to suit your phone.
First of all you’ll need to login to your phone so you will need to get the IP address of your phone. The way you get the IP address is different of each phone but you might need to press the up directional arrow or look through the phone settings. The IP address will be something like or but it will depend what sort of network you are on.
Now that you have the IP address, open a web browser on a computer on the same network as the phone. Type in the IP address of your phone into the address bar and press the enter key. Don’t type the IP address into your search engine as it will not help you!
You should see a login page for your phone. The default username and password will depend on what make and model of phone you are using but Grandstream ones use a username of admin and a password of admin. It’s not very secure but we’ll change that when we configure the phone.

Now you’ve logged in to your phone you need to find out the MAC address which you can find by clicking on Status then Network status. Look for the MAC address and copy it (right click and copy) but make sure you don’t copy anything else. All we need is the MAC address.

Now you will need to login to your account on Rosetta Telecom by clicking here and go to your PBX and extensions. Click on the Edit button for your extension and then click on the Setup tab.
Select your handset type in the dropdown labelled Handset Model then paste the MAC address into the MAC address box. Now click on Save and the configuration file will be created.

Now let’s go back to the phone settings in your browser window and go to the Upgrade and Provisioning page in the Maintenance menu or somewhere similar.
Look for the Config server path or similar and enter setupmyphone.co.uk. You’ll need to make sure that the type is set to http and then click on Save and Apply.

Now reboot the phone by clicking on the Reboot button or simply unplugging the phone for a moment and your configuration should be installed.
In future, whenever you make changes to your extension in Rosetta Telecom your phone will reconfigure itself with your changes so you don’t need to worry about all the technical bits again!