Change voicemail settings

If you’re connected to our Cloud Phone System then voicemail is a standard service included with your system. There are two main ways to setup voicemail.1. On an existing extension2. As a standalone extension Option 1 is the normal way … Read more

Custom Phone Servers

Our customer is a business and residential internet and phone provider with several existing phone servers and switches. These are all networked through multiple providers for redundancy and least cost routing purposes. We were approached to design and build a … Read more

New supported handsets

The Rosetta Telecom system lets you use any SIP compatible handset but we specifically support a range of phones. You can see more about them in our shop. We’ve always recommended Grandstream phones as they are good quality but not … Read more

GDPR and what we’re doing

You really must have heard about GDPR and what effect it is having on businesses. If not, I urge you to do some searching! This post is to tell you what we are doing at Rosetta Telecom. First of all, … Read more

Fraud preventing call maximums added

Beating fraud is an ongoing battle when running a phone service as it seems everyone spends their time trying to hack computers these days! At Rosetta Telecom we use a number of features to try and prevent people making fraudulent … Read more